Sean McPherson (as if the domain name didn't make THAT obvious enough)
World Wide War Drive 4! (Hit the link below if you've never heard of it)
June 12-June 19 (No specific times or locations as yet)
Louisville, KY, USA (Well, that's the area I'm organizing folks in, at least)
The last few years, we've had a blast, and mapped a load of AP's. (We hope to get even more this year!)
We'll be using a variety of software and hardware, including laptops outfitted with Linux and Windows 2K, running Kismet and NetStumbler, with D-Link, NetGear, and Orinoco Orinoco cards, some with external antennas, along with a Sharp Zaurus and a compactflash SMC wireless card. Who knows, maybe we'll have an iPaq or two along...