Armor layering rules

I am modifying the rules somewhat to give you all some survivability in a
specific set of circumstances that I think fits in line with real-world
physics. It does make things a bit weird, though, so don't hesitate to ask
for a clarification. I think the rules should be easy enough, all things

When wearing form fitting body armor (and ONLY form fitting body armor),
you can put any other single layer of armor on top of it up to (but not 
including) 'suits' of armor without a quickness penalty (layering still
rounds down), but things like helmets and shields still apply to the 
penalty, since they're not directly related to the 'overlap and bunch' 
factor normal stuff has.

You also still lose dice from the combat pool when you exceed your
quickness in either impact or ballistic (1 dice for every 2 points over
your quickness, or fraction thereof).

Neal the Orc barbarian (Augmented QCK 6) has on form fitting 3 (3/1) and
an armor jacket (5/3). In the book, he'd have a (5+1)/(3+0) armor rating.
Also, he'd be in a quickness hurt, as the base (not halved and rounded
down) armor points look like 8/4. He'd be taking a +2 modifier to
quickness. In my world, he's getting 6/3 as well, but since the only gear
he has that pushes him over his quickness is the form fitting armor, he's
got no modifier.

Bob the Human TinCan (Augmented QCK 6) has on form fitting 3 (3/1), an
armored jacket (5/3), and is wearing a security helmet (1/2) and carrying
a large riot shield (2/3). So, he ends up with (5+1+1+2)/(3+0+2+3) = 9/8.
The BASE armor is all good due to the form fitting (see example above) but
all that extra loss of mobility and balance and whatnot from the helmet
and riot shield are gonna hurt his speed! Since he 'burned' all of his
armor wearing ability his quickness gave him with the heavy armored
long-johns and the jacket of doom, he gets a +3 quickness modifier from
the ballistic ratings (instead of the +5 the book would have whacked him 
with). AND he loses 2 dice from his combat pool for wearing 3 points of 
ballistic higher than his quickness from the helmet and shield. AND he 
loses another combat die since he's also 2 over in impact.

Final Thoughts
So, think wisely when stacking armor, and remember that I'm giving you a
freebie here, and the system will whack you in the head with a large
quickness/combat dice stick if you abuse it :-)

I think I got all my math right. If it is wrong, let me know. The basic 
ideas should be clear. If people don't want it to be confusing, we can just 
go by the book. Somehow, I don't expect to get that request *grin*)