Material: Red Hat Linux 8 Unleashed, Dec 2002, Bill Ball and Hoyt Duff
Errata: Red Hat Linux 8 Unleashed Errata
Week 1:
Chapters 1 and 2 (~50 pages)
- x86 PC/Server Operation Review (or, How exactly does that box work, anyway?)
- Important Non-OS Specific Performance Considerations (or, how to make that machine 35% faster without buying a thing!)
- Fast, Reliable, Cheap - RAID/Storage, Clusters, Networks (or, Pick 2 and win!)
- How Linux Works - Kernel, Processes, Memory, etc (or, What's under the hood, now that the hood's not welded shut...)
Week 2:
Chapter 3 and 4 (~70 pages)
- Reviewing Week 1 (or, what did you think you got but now find out you never had after all?)
- Installing Linux (or, How spending 1 hour planning will save you dozens of hours later)
- Different Installation Methods (or, So you lost the CD's...)
- Other Distributions (or, The good, the bad, and the ugly)
Week 3:
Chapters 5 and 7 (~45 pages)
- Review Week 2 (or, So you tried this at home and now your machine is broken?)
- The Boot Process (or, More than you ever wanted to know about getting from point A to point B)
- System Services (or, How exactly does that web and ftp thing work?)
- Finding Documentation (or, Where do I find out the right way to do this?)
- Getting Comfortable at the Command Line (or, Whatya mean I don't get a mouse?)
Week 4:
Chapters 8 and 9 (~45 pages)
- Review Week 3 (or, When do I get the mouse back?)
- Users and Permissions (or, Why running as root is like running with scissors!)
- Investigating Running Processes (or, What made it do that?)
- Basic Security (or, How convenience can cost you...)
- Systems Utilization (or, How do I know if the drive is full?)
- RedHat Package Manager (or, Why RPM makes InstallShield look like junk)
- RPM - COmmand Line, GUI (or, Heck, this beats 'Add/Remove Software' Hands down!)
Week 5:
Chapters 6 and 10 (~85 pages)
- Review Week 4 (or, I think I'm starting to like my command line...)
- X-Windows (or, Why Linux doesn't NEED Terminal Server or Citrix)
- Linux Desktop(s) (or, Why Linux Rocks Redmond...)
- GUI Tools (or, Where to click to do what we learned in week 3)
- Filesystems (or, You want me to put that where?)
Week 6:
Chapter 13 (~55 pages)
- Review Week 5 (or, Yes, Linux made Windows XP look plain)
- Networking (or, Why /etc/sysconfig is your friend)